When your AC goes South for the Summer

No AC During the Hot Beavercreek Summer?

So your ac suddenly went on the fritz… It’s down for the count… The cool air begins to fade… And now your home is hit with the roasting summer heat!

So what happened? When an ac unexpectedly takes a turn for the worse – things get serious and they get serious quick. After all, you paid your hard-earned cash to keep your home comfortable. Now you’re supposed to dish out more dinero? Not necessarily. Relax. You don’t have to start Google searching for “free AC service” or “affordable AC companies near me” just yet. It might be something simple.


What to Do

This might NOT be a situation in which you’ll need your trusted Beavercreek Heating & Cooling Company just yet. It could be something as simple as a breaker in your fuse panel. Looking up ac repair tips might help you solve the problem. After all, the vast majority of ac repair emergencies are due to negligent maintenance. In the event your ac simply needs to be restarted, you need only turn off the thermostat, locate your homes fuse panel, reset the circuit by turning it off and back on and cross your fingers. If it starts blowing cool after several minutes, your ac problems are solved, and there is no need for the repairman. However, if the unit is blowing and blowing anything other than cool air, it’s likely because of a dirty or old condenser, which cannot convert the warm air to cool effectively. In such a case, we encourage you to look up our ac repair reviews (if you aren’t a customer) and give us a call at (937) 708-8527 between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. any day of the week or schedule a visit instantly on the web.

If your unit simply froze up, you simply need to let it thaw by turning off the thermostat and leaving the fan on. It might take a few hours to defrost, you’re “A-Coil thoroughly.” If you think your ac thermostat is bad, no need to start looking for affordable or discounted ac parts. First, you’ll want to look for some signs to be certain. Check and see: “Does my thermostat have power?” “Is it unresponsive?” “Does neither the heater or the ac turn on?” “Does it fail to turn off and constantly run?” “Does your room temp match its reading?” Be sure the thermostat is on the correct setting as well. And if there’s still no luck:

Ask yourself, when is the last time you’re unit has had any freon put in it? If you don’t know, and it’s still not doing the trick, it is a good idea to call us and have your freon installed affordably. It needs to be done every few years anyway… if that doesn’t work… if the thermostat’s display doesn’t have a reading and it still feels hot in your house. Feel for the air to see if it is coming out of the vents. Change your filters. And if that doesn’t work… Maybe ask yourself if this is beyond your DIY ac repair guide’s limits and it’s time to give us a call. Affordable. Friendly. Faith-based. Efficient. Five stars.


We welcome and value our growing list of new and returning satisfied customers. Give us a call at (937) 708-8527 any day of the week between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. or go online to schedule a visit.