Is Your HVAC Furnace Overheating? Three Telltale Signs

As the nights become more and more frigid, you might have to run your furnace more often. However, we experts at Beavercreek Heating & Cooling advise the locals here in Greene County to keep a close eye out for indications of overheating. Because a furnace that gets too hot can be a dangerous thing for you and your family, it’s essential to be conscious of these symptoms. If you observe any of the following issues, call for professional assistance immediately.


Strange Sounds and Noises

You hear it all the time. Although you might not think about it. For years and possibly decades, you have been subconsciously hearing the sound of your furnace. And after subliminally listening to it for so long, it should be fairly simple to recognize when it makes strange sounds or noises. If you notice new or strange sounds like hits or humming originating from your furnace, you need to acknowledge this is not a sign of aging. You might have an overheating dilemma.


Fire Smell

If you detect a burning odor, or if the warmed air “smells hot,” your furnace is probably striving to work too hard, and it is overheating. Furthermore, you are most definitely looking at an overheating furnace if it shuts off immediately following when you observed the burning smell. Another Note: If you have not run your furnace for several days, a burning smell while it’s starting up is not a reason to worry. This is your unit burning off dust particles that have settled on it. The burning smell will eventually fade away. You should be aware of a perpetual burning smell or an odor that arises up out of nowhere when your furnace has regularly been running.


Furnace Turns Off 

If your furnace shuts off before achieving the thermostat’s desired temperature, you might be encountering a furnace that overheats. Most furnace’s safety devices will stop it from turning on even if it is still required to maintain heating more. This is your furnace’s means of stopping continual injury to itself. 


Repairing an Overheated Furnace

There are several reasons your furnace might be overheating, including old age, poor airflow, dirt and dust buildup, mechanical malfunction, and more. Because a furnace is a complicated machine that requires expert and experienced guidance, a home replacement or “Do It Yourself” job is not recommended. Except those of you who possess the proper tools, expertise, and certifications, endeavoring to fix your home’s furnace puts you at risk of electrocution or shock. People who have attempted this on their own have sustained burn injuries. Failing to repair your furnace correctly can also prompt destructive damage to your home. When it comes to HVAC difficulties like an overheated furnace, it is most advantageous to call a trained professional.


An accredited HVAC tech can accurately recognize the root of the problem and provide you with an estimated cost for the job on the spot. The tech will employ their prior experience and expertise to safely repair any overheating issues and leave you with a blazing, healthy furnace. We at Beavercreek Heating & Cooling have that experience and expertise, as a five-star-rated HVAC company. Give us a friendly call today at 937-708-8527, or schedule an appointment now at