What temperature do you set your thermostat on at night? Studies show that cooler temperatures aid in a better, deeper sleep. However, everyone is different when it comes to sleeping preferences. So keep reading for some techniques for improving your sleep quality. You can ask yourself the following questions from your Beavercreek Heating & Cooling experts to aid you in finding your optimal sleep temperature.
How Can You Determine If You Are a Warm Or Cold Sleeper?
The first step to finding your optimal sleeping temperature is determining whether you are a warm sleeper or a cold sleeper. Perhaps you fall asleep relatively quickly and do not need to be wrapped in the warm bliss of your blankets in order to sleep? If this resonates with you, you are a warm sleeper. If you tend to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night and have to rewrap yourself in blankets to fall back into your sleep rhythm, you can consider yourself a cold sleeper. Cold sleepers sleep better with lower temperatures. Therefore you should decrease the temperature settings on your thermostat by a few degrees before heading to bed every night.
How Does Dressing For Bedtime Affect Your Sleep?
Next, let’s think about the aspect of dressing for bedtime. This is an essential point to consider when finding your optimal sleep temperature. The number of layers you need to sleep comfortably can affect your sleeping temperature and sleep pattern. Of course, everyone’s preferences vary. It would be best to wear enough clothing to keep yourself from getting too cold without overdressing and causing overheating. You can also look into different fabrics such as silk, cotton, or linen pajamas and see what may work best for you. It’s no fun to wake up in the night overheated and frustrated!
How Does Using a Fan Help With Better Sleep?
Some people enjoy having a fan-powered turned on throughout the night. For many, it provides white noise and an extra means of cooling down, which ultimately results in falling asleep faster and leads to deeper, restful sleep. Generally, fans are used in warmer climates, but it’s no doubt that Ohio summers can’t be relentless. So if you are one of the many who gain better sleep with a fan, by all means, continue doing so. In addition, using a fan can lower energy bills and reduce your overall cooling expenses.
How Can You Find the Best Temperature For You?
Suppose you haven’t quite figured out what is the best temperature specific to your slumbering needs. If you haven’t, that’s okay! Sometimes, it takes a little trial and error before finding what works for you. For example, you can experiment with different blankets and see if your sleep is affected by using heavier or lighter fabrics. This same concept applies to your sleeping attire. Additionally, using blackout curtains is known to help keep bedrooms cooler. So this might be right up your alley.
After you have found what things can aid in better sleep for you, you should work towards finding your ideal sleeping temperature next. Of course, everyone is different, but a good rule of thumb is to start by setting your thermostat at 60-67 degrees and adjusting accordingly. Admittedly, 60 degrees is a very low-temperature range, and it will most definitely not result in energy savings. However, this is just a general place to start, and raise your temperature as needed. Remember, those cooler temperatures at night result in deeper, uninterrupted sleep.
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep goes a long way in positively affecting one’s physical and mental health. It’s crucial you and your family get the best sleep possible to continue your daily routine successfully. If you have any concerns or perhaps would like to go over some smart or programmable thermostat options to make adjusting your home’s temperature easier, call Beavercreek Heating & Cooling today! We would feel honored to be allowed to serve you and your family! Call us at (937) 708-8527, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!