Get Your AC Tuned for Summer – Before the Busy Season Arrives

When’s the ideal time to get your AC ready for the summer heat? Right NOW!

We know the story: on February 2, the groundhog (actually groundhogs — both Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck) saw his shadow, indicating there would be six more weeks of winter. If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that we’ve suffered more than six weeks of cold since then. If you’re like us, you’re ready to throw open those windows and get some clean, fresh air blowing into the house. Especially with the mild weather we have coming next week.

AC Tune-Up and Checkout

Finally, it’s a great time to open the windows and enjoy the mild weather and fresh air. We can all get over our cabin fever! Unfortunately for most HVAC contractors, it’s also a great time to enjoy virtually NO HVAC costs, thanks to no longer needing the heat, and it’s still too cool for AC. But this is Ohio, and before you know it, you and your family will be using the AC system on a daily basis. It’s important to go ahead and get your AC system ready long before those hot and humid days of summer.

Our air conditioning tune-up service, performed best in spring, is the best way to prep your home’s Air conditioner to ensure its reliability and accurate for the entire summer season. It’s risky to ignore this annual maintenance ritual. It could cost a bunch, in the form of bigger utility bills and future expensive repairs.

Schedule Now and Save

If you’ve failed to get your air conditioner serviced yet this year, we recommend you schedule an appointment right away. It makes great sense to get your AC tuned up now, well before the high temps arrive… and well before our technicians’s schedules aren’t yet pushed to the limit. When summer arrives, along with the requisite high humidity and temperatures, every cooling contractor will be extremely busy take care of emergency repairs. You know… those people who DIDN’T have their routine maintenance performed.

Why Routine Maintenance on the Air Conditioning?

We’ve found that any sort of Maintenance on your AC system has a direct return on investment. Here is a list of ways you’ll save by taking the initiative NOW on AC service:

Improve your Air Conditioner’s efficiency. Our AC tune-up and checkout includes cleaning, testing and adjusting important components, and the entire system, to ensure top performance when hot weather is upon us. When AC systems age, they naturally lose efficiency. Any Air Conditioners that aren’t maintained tend to become inefficient faster. By maximizing your system’s efficiency you’ll reduce your utility bills, and your home will cool down faster.

Virtually eliminate surprise emergency and service calls. Avoid most system failures by implementing a preventative maintenance program. By maintaining your Air Conditioner with annual maintenance, you’ll be ahead of the game.

Small fixes NOW prevent big problems LATER. Air conditioners are extremely complex systems. You’re probably aware that tiny problems are easy to catch and fix when they’re small. Untended, they can quickly explode into big, expensive problems. Surprises seem to crop up even when your AC is running just fine. Maintaining the AC system properly with an annual tune-up and checkout will allow us to catch problems early, saving you headaches and dollars.

Give your AC the gift of a long, fulfilling life. Just like with auto maintenance, it’s a case of “pay me now or pay me later.” Delaying routine maintenance can take a big toll, shortening the useful like of your AC. When you care for your AC properly, the opposite occurs: you can actually extend the useful life of your air conditioner, potentially saving thousands in replacement costs during the years you own the house.

Replacement with Planning. No AC system lasts forever. Eventually, you have to get your air conditioner replaced. By having a pro AC technician checking the system annually, you can have the conversation about replacement well before you need to. By planning for this inevitable event years in advance, you can save up cash and position yourself to take advantage of cash discounts and big sales.

Trust in your HVAC Professionals

Some HVAC maintenance tasks can be performed by the homeowners, like routinely replacing filters. But when it comes to AC tune-ups, it’s strictly a job for professionals.

There are many things that can go awry if an inexperienced person attempts to perform their own AC tune-up. Once of the most basic parts of the tune-up is cleaning the condenser. We recommend leaving it to the pros to eliminate the chance of damaging any coils and fins inside the system. Damaged or bent fins could hurt your AC system’s performance. There’s also the danger of accidental shock for someone that doesn’t know their way around an AC system.

Having the sharp eye of a pro to spot little problems that an inexperienced consumer might not see is an advantage. When you have your system serviced with a tune-up and checkout, be sure to ask about the longevity of your system. How much longer should your system last?

When you’re ready to schedule your Air Conditioning system Tune-up and checkout, call one of our customer satisfaction specialists at (614) 636-5002 during office hours, and we’ll get someone right out. You can also use our convenient online scheduling page. But don’t wait — our busy season is coming soon!