Common Furnace Myths

Although there are helpful tips and tricks to assist you with keeping up with your furnace maintenance and costs, some may not be so helpful. In addition, it can be challenging to distinguish between what is correct and what isn’t without an expert opinion. Well, you’re in luck; our experts at Beavercreek Heating & Cooling debunk some common myths regarding furnaces and what you can do instead this winter.

Myth #1: Closing Off Vents Within Unused Rooms Can Save on Heating Costs

By closing off your vents in unused rooms, you’re actually losing more money than saving. Although it makes sense to close off airflow in an unused space, it can cause stress on your furnace. Your furnace is designed to heat your entire home so, when you close off airflow, this can cause stress and pressure to build up in your furnace, which can lead to issues and possible damages. Our experts suggest keeping all vents in your home open for consistent air circulation.

Myth #2: Completely Shutting Down My Furnace Will Help With Saving on Utilities 

Although turning off your furnace seems like it would save you money, it doesn’t. The HVAC experts at Beavercreek Heating & Cooling suggest keeping your furnace on and turning it down 5 or 6 degrees while you’re away. This is the best alternative because frequently powering your furnace off and on could cause stress on your equipment and increase your utility bills. In addition, when you shut down your furnace while you’re away, your house will start to cool down. Then, when you get home, you will have to turn on your furnace at full blast until your home is at the perfect temperature again. Thus wasting time, energy, and, most importantly, money. 

Myth #3: There Is No Need for Routine Maintenance if My Furnace Is Running Just Fine 

You may be doing more harm than good if your heating system is not receiving proper maintenance. Just because your furnace is running, it doesn’t mean it is working efficiently or at its top performance. Furnaces are complex pieces of equipment that need to be inspected and cleaned by a professional HVAC technician. Although your equipment is running, an HVAC technician will be able to see if there are any underlying issues or damages inside that you were not able to identify.

At Beavercreek Heating & Cooling, we understand that it is essential for you to distinguish the best ways to save money and keep warm this holiday season. If you have questions about your heating equipment or need a technician to come out and take a look, call us today at (937) 708-8527, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!