Having your furnace serviced in September is wise for several reasons – the current weather, good timing, the upcoming season, and safety reasons. Our team here at Beavercreek Heating & Cooling wants to make sure you are undoubtedly prepared and set to go for the fall season and, even more so, for the season after that – winter. Without a safety and tune-up check, you run the risk of letting potential underlying issues with your furnace go unchecked during the times you will need to count on your furnace the most. Let’s talk about the four reasons we think getting your furnace tuned up in September is a great idea!

The Weather Is Perfect for a Fall Tune-up
You might be thinking, “Why this time of the year?” If you think about it, it makes sense to have your furnace tune-up completed this month. Per industry standards, we typically recommend having your furnace checked and tuned up before its first use of the season. This means that for most people, this service is usually performed at the end of the summer or the beginning of fall. Keep in mind this year, in 2024, fall officially begins on September 22nd!
Another thing to keep in mind is that while your furnace gets serviced, it will have to be shut off so our technicians can safely and thoroughly inspect it. As such, scheduling this HVAC service for this month is optimal timing weather-wise.
It’s the Perfect Time of the Year to Schedule a Tune-up
Throughout the rest of the year, HVAC repairs, replacements, and upgrades are in high demand. However, during the fall season, since the need for air conditioners has decreased significantly, September isn’t as drastically busy. What does this mean for you? It means you’ll likely be first in line to get your appointment booked. Beat the last-minute rush and get your tune-up and safety check scheduled now!

Winter is Coming, So It’s Best to Book Your Tune-up Now
Winter, spring, summer, fall……we know what season comes after each. So, what better time than now to prepare for the oncoming cold season? It’s always in your best interest to book your yearly furnace tune-up and safety check in the early fall when possible. This is because you want to prepare your heating unit for Ohio’s frigid winter weather that lies ahead!
Think about it. The last thing you need in the dead of winter is for your furnace to start acting up, especially when it could have very much been prevented by simply scheduling your tune-up in the fall.
Scheduling Your Fall Tune-up Is for Safety Reasons
Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning is quite common in the wintertime? This is attributed to the spike in furnace, chimney, and gas line usage. Per the National Safety Council, it’s highly recommended to have your furnace, water heater, or any other coal-burning appliance serviced by a licensed technician once a year. Failing to do so could be detrimental to you, your family, and your home. By simply staying on top of scheduling your yearly furnace checkups, you help set your furnace up for success during the coldest months of the year, and you open up the opportunity for your technician to identify and repair any potential problems beforehand.

In short, we firmly believe that scheduling your fall tune-up for your HVAC system in September is the best choice when possible. But we also understand that life happens, and sometimes, things get delayed. So, if the month of September slips by your fingers, all hope is not lost! You can still schedule your furnace tune-up in October or early November.
As a last “bonus” reason, don’t forget that keeping up with your yearly furnace maintenance checks also benefits you by keeping your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that isn’t a no-brainer way to get your tune-up scheduled, then we don’t know what it is!
Call Beavercreek Heating & Cooling anytime at (937) 708-8527, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! We can’t wait to hear from you!